Getting Started
Initial Setup
Create a folder called n00dTraitsExample
Create a child of BPC_N00dTraits and move it into n00dTraitsExample
Rename this child component to BPC_Traits
Open BP_ThirdPersonCharacter and add BPC_Traits to the components window
With the component selected, under the Class Defaults, define the traits you want this character to have.
Call Initialise on EventPossessed
From the Examples folder in the plugin, drag BP_N00dTraitsPickup into the ThirdPersonMap
Fill out the defaults with the Trait ID and the effects this pickup has. This pickup class is not intended to be used in production but feel free to extend them
When we run over the pickup in PIE, the XP is applied. However we don't see any UI response just yet.
The example character demonstrates how to handle sprint regeneration through a stamina implementation, and damage handling for health. You can use n00dTraits for any trait you'd like!