
Project Settings

Global settings are defined in the project settings, here we are defining the traits that exists in the project. The following tutorial will be using DT_N00dTraitsClientData so if you are following that, just define the data table here now.

If the gameplay tags are empty, add the gameplay tag data table (see next step) and restart the editor

For creating a TraitsClientData data table, under Miscellaneous select Data Table

Choose FN00dTraitsClientData from the list

Define a row for each Trait that exists in your project. These data exist on the client only. Note each row's name as it will be referenced in the data asset for each trait.

Gameplay Tags

n00dTraits heavily depends on gameplay tags to define each trait. The tutorial will be using the included DTGT_N00dTraits data table. 

To create a data table based on a gameplay tag, under Miscellaneous select Data Table

Choose GameplayTagTableRow

Define your traits.

Data Asset

This video depends on the other steps to be complete if you are following along the tutorial

Each trait is defined by a data asset. These data are replicated across the network and is intended to be lightweight to reduce bandwidth. 

Attributes are fundamental qualities or natural traits of a character, often seen as the building blocks of a character's abilities. Statistics are quantifiable data points that directly affect gameplay and character performance. 

Attributes typically influence statistics, providing a foundational value from which stats are calculated or modified. 


Hover over each of these variables for more information on their function. Client Data here is where you define the row from the above data table you created based on FN00dTraitsClientData.

This tutorial will be using the included data assets.


Hover over each of these variables for more information on their function. Client Data here is where you define the row from the above data table you created based on FN00dTraitsClientData.

This tutorial will be using the included data assets.

To create a data asset, select Data Asset from under miscellaneous

Choose PDA_N00dAttribute or PDA_N00dStatistic